Students » Activities & Clubs

Activities & Clubs

Clubs for the 2023 - 2024 School Year

Teacher/Staff Name Club Name Meeting Time (Lunch/Afterschool and What Days)
Gehling Guitar Club Lunch - twice a week
Gehling Jazz Ensemble After School - 1-2 times per week
Commins Be Yourself Club Lunch - every day
Seeno Financial Leadership Lunch / Afterschool
Kelly Rainbow Connection (LGBTQ+ community & allies)
Lunch - Wednesdays to start (may add another day)
Walker Zumba/dance (name to be determined by club) After school (not sure which day, yet)
Stewart Board Game Club Lunch - Twice a week
Alvarado Homework Habitat (place to do homework) Lunch- Twice a week?
Gravem/Parenteau Harry Potter Club Fridays Lunch/ 1st and 3rd of the month
GEAR UP College & Career Club Lunch - Tuesday - Friday