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~  Winter Break - December 14 to January 6  ~

After School Program – Please enroll in our Right At School program after school at GVMS. The program is offered until 6:00pm daily. To enroll and secure your spot, click here for the enrollment link.

Secure Campus Drill – On Wednesday, December 4th, our school will be practicing a Secure Campus Drill. A Secure Campus is used when there is a threat near our school. 

English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) – We have a VIRTUAL meeting on Wednesday, December 4th at 4:30pm. We will be providing an overview of the upcoming ELPAC test and the reclassification process.

The meeting will be on Zoom. ELAC Zoom Login


School Site Council Meeting – We have a VIRTUAL meeting on Wednesday, December 4th at 6:00pm. We are finalizing our School Plan for Student Achievement and reviewing our budget.

The meeting will be on Zoom. School Site Council Zoom Login

Parent Cafecito – Join us in person on Thursday, December 5th at 8:30am. Our topic is: Communication with your PreTeen and How to Handle Peer Conflicts. 

Winter Concert– We are excited for our Music Winter Concert on Thursday, December 5th at 6:30pm in our school gym. Hope you can come enjoy some holiday music and support our music program.

Winter Formal Dance– Our ASB club is hosting a “Winter Wonderland” school formal on Friday, December 6th at 5:30pm. Tickets are $5 and go on sale on Tuesday, December 3rd. Formal Dress Code applies and a signed permission slip is required.




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