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Sofia Antuna

Sofia Antuna
831.443.7212 x 4102

Itzel Coronel Velazco

Itzel Coronel Velazco
Assistant Principal
831.443.7212 x 4107

James Stauffer

James Stauffer
Teacher on Special Assignment
831.443.7212 x 4199

Ebelinda Jimenez

Ebelinda Jimenez
School Secretary 
831.443.7212 x 4101

Julianna Ortiz

Julianna Ortiz
School Clerk/Registrar
831.443.7212 x 4103

Andrea Perez

Andrea Perez
Social Worker-Counselor
831.443.7212 x 4112

Dear Gavilan View community,

It is with great honor and appreciation that I continue in the role of principal for the 2024-2025 school year. It has been a joy to serve the Gavilan View students, staff, families, and community and I am excited for what this new year will bring. 

I’ve been in education for 20 years. I am a former high school teacher, middle and high school counselor, and Director of College Access programs. I immigrated to the U.S. as a young child, grew up in a Spanish-speaking household, and was the first in my family to go to college. I am also a mother and wife and my family lives here in Salinas. My personal experience is what drives my commitment to education and our community. 

As the principal, I assure you that I am deeply committed to providing a safe, nurturing, and inclusive learning environment for all students. I would like to acknowledge what an incredible staff we have at Gavilan View. Staff who give their all each day to teach, care for, and support the students. I couldn’t ask for a better team! Gavilan View is a very special place and I am beyond thrilled to be in a position to honor a long history of excellence and to work with the incredible staff to continue to soar to new heights!

This year, our primary focus will be on student academic achievement. We understand that in order for our students to excel academically, we must also keep them safe, provide academic support, ensure all students have equal access to those supports, and prioritize their overall well-being. We strive for Gavilan View to feel like home away from home for each and every student. 

It is essential that we work closely with our families and larger community. We invite you to be a part of Gavilan View. There are many ways to get involved - volunteering, joining our School Site Council, supporting extracurricular activities, or becoming a community partner. I look forward to seeing you at all our school events and am eager to hear from all of you. Your input is always welcomed and makes our community better and stronger. 

I am at your service and I look forward to an amazing school year!


Sofia Antuna
