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Hawks Family Newsletter - March 17 - March 21

Posted Date: 3/16/25 (7:00 PM)

Hawks Family Newsletter
March 17 - March 21, 2025
Hawks Logo
School Website Link
Mixteco Call from this Week
Reminder: Next Week
spring break
This Week is Spirit Week
We invite all students and staff to dress up daily and join in the festivities! 
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Spirit Week Span
Parent Cafecito on Tuesday
Come join us for a hot cup of coffee and great conversation! This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with other parents, hear from school staff, and learn valuable tips to help your child succeed.

Tuesday, March 18, 2025
8:15am in the Library
Topic: State Testing & End-of-Year Preparation

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end of quarter
3rd Quarter Ends on Wednesday
This week is the end of 3rd Quarter.
Make sure students make their final effort to turn in assignments.
Report cards will be mailed home at the end of the week. 

8th Grade:
Don't forget that your 3rd quarter grades impact your GPA which may impact your eligibility for our 8th grade promotion ceremony. 
big 5
March Safety Drill on Wednesday
This month, we are practicing a “Shelter in Place” drill on Wednesday, March 19, 2025. A “Shelter in Place” is called when there is an environmental hazard, such as air quality, and students need to stay indoors.
Game Day
Game Day is on Friday
Our 3rd Quarter Game Day celebration is this Friday. On Friday, we have a special bell schedule where we end the day with the fun, Game Day activities.

To participate in the activities, students must have :
Good attendance
  • Being tardy matters!
Good behavior
  • This means no unserved Saturday Schools, no unserved detentions, and no suspensions in 3rd quarter.
Yearbooks on Sale Now!
Hurry and purchase before prices go up
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Attention 6th Grade Families!
A TDAP booster shot is required before entering 7th grade. Call your child’s health clinic today if it’s missing. Your 6th grader will receive a note from the school if they do not have a TDAP booster.  

8th Grade Updates:
six flags
8th Grade Six Flags Trip
This Monday, we start selling tickets for the Six Flags Field Trip. The $60 deposit needs to be made by April 11th.

Make payments in the front office. Cash only!
EOY Span
Eligibility Span
Attendance Matters!
Families: We still need your help!

There was a dip in attendance this last week.
Take a look at the table below to see information.

We need your help with:
  1. Making sure you're calling in to excuse absences.
  2. Talk to your child about tardies.
  3. Making sure students are coming to school every day.

Remember that for 8th grade students, attendance & tardies can impact their eligibility for end of the year activities!

Our school goal is to stay above 95% attendance every day. This week, our attendance was:

  • Monday 3/10: 93.6%
  • Tuesday 3/11: 95.7%
  • Wednesday 3/12: 96.1%
  • Thursday 3/13: 94.1%
  • Friday 3/14: 92.7%
We're a team, families! Let's continue to work together to keep striving for improved attendance and work together to talk to the students about why attendance is important!
More Announcements
car show
Ms. G's Awesome Car Show
Congratulations to our winners from Ms. G's Awesome Car Show on Friday, March 14th.
  • First Place was Matthew Rios-Tapia.
  • 2nd Place was Riko Morgan.
  • 3rd place was Julia Kamimura..
All students did a fantastic job. Your creativity was impressive and you're all going to make some great engineers in the future. Thank you to Ms. Garretson for putting on car show!
speech debate
Speech & Debate Tournament
This past Saturday, we had 4 students represent Gavilan View at the Speech & Debate Tournament. A huge shout out to:
  • Joel Cruz Nestor
  • Oliver Martinez
  • Rachell Rochell Hernandez
  • Omar Salvador Vasquez
We want to thank our students for all their hard work and weeks of preparation. We are very proud of them!
ghost boys
Amazing Library News!!!
Jewell Parker Rhodes, the author of the book "Ghost Boys" supported our funding efforts for a class set of her books to have in our library.

If you want to support this project or any other project, please visit the "Donations/Fundraisers" page of our school website.
Music Parent Meeting
There is a parent meeting on Thursday for students in the music program.
Date: Thursday, March 20, 2025
Time: 6:00pm
Location: Gavilan View Music Room
PLEASE REGISTER - Right At School - After School Program
Every student who stays after school MUST complete the registration form.

The Right At School program after school offers Homework Help & enrichment activities until 6:00pm daily.

To enroll students, you can do so using this link.

Snack will be provided | Transportation is not provided
spring sports
Spring Sports Sports This Week
  • Spring Sports include: Boys Volleyball, Track, Flag Football, Girls Soccer, and Wrestling.

Please look at the athletics page on our school website for practice and game schedules.
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save the date
Save the Dates!
  1. Spring Break is March 24-28
  2. Spring Camp is March 24-28
  3. Saturday Academy Session 3 starts on April 3
  4. GVMS Saturday School on April 12
  5. State Testing starts on April 21
  6. 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony on May 28
Resources On Campus
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Anonymous Reporting
If you or your child would like to make an anonymous report, please use this link to submit a report.

You can also find the QR Code on our school website. Click here.
Hawk of the Week
Ms. Bona Garretson
This week, we are excited to recognize Ms. Garretson, one of our amazing 8th-grade science teachers, as our Hawk of the Week!

Ms. Garretson consistently goes above and beyond to make learning engaging and memorable for her students. Just this past week, she led her classes through a fantastic "self-propelled car" project and then coordinated a school-wide showcase during lunchtime: Ms. G's Awesome Car Show! Her creativity and dedication turned a science project into an unforgettable event for our entire campus.

But that's not all — Ms. Garretson makes her classroom an exciting place to be every single day. From lively Hawaiian music playing in the background to surprising her students with her electric guitar as a teaching tool, she knows how to make science come alive. She's also a beacon of positivity on our campus, always wearing a funny hat every Friday and going all out for spirit days.

Ms. Garretson's energy, enthusiasm, and dedication make such a positive impact at Gavilan View. Thank you, Ms. Garretson, for inspiring our students and bringing so much joy to our school community!

Happy Birthday to her too. She celebrates on Monday.
March is...
Women's History Month
📢 March is Women’s History Month! 🌟

During the month of March, we celebrate Women’s History Month, a time to recognize the achievements, contributions, and resilience of women throughout history. This is a great opportunity to highlight the incredible impact women have made in various fields—science, literature, politics, activism, and beyond.

This month, our school will be incorporating Women’s History Month into our lessons and activities. Whether it’s showcasing influential women in a subject area, engaging students in discussions about gender equality, or incorporating projects that honor women's achievements, these efforts help inspire and educate our students. We aim to foster an environment that uplifts and honors the contributions of women past and present.

We encourage you at home to take this month to empower our students with stories of leadership, innovation, and perseverance.

#WomensHistoryMonth #EmpowerThroughEducation
📢 Recognizing & Supporting Students During Ramadan 🌙
As we enter the month of March, we want to take a moment to recognize and support our students and families observing Ramadan, a sacred time for Muslims around the world. This year, Ramadan begins on the evening of February 29 and ends on March 29 followed by the celebration of Eid al-Fitr.

What is Ramadan?
Ramadan is a holy month in Islam marked by fasting, prayer, reflection, and community. During this time, many Muslim students may be fasting from sunrise to sunset, refraining from food and drink during school hours. It is also a time of increased prayer, generosity, and self-discipline.

How We Support Our Students
We want to ensure that all students feel comfortable and supported at school. For students who are fasting, we are offering:
Alternative spaces during lunch for those who prefer a quiet place instead of the cafeteria.
Understanding and flexibility from teachers regarding physical activities, such as PE and after-school sports.
Encouragement of kindness and respect as we learn about different cultures and traditions.

A Learning Opportunity for All
We encourage all students to show empathy and curiosity by learning about Ramadan from their classmates and teachers. Understanding different traditions helps build a strong, inclusive community where everyone feels seen and valued.

To our families observing Ramadan, we wish you a blessed month! Ramadan Mubarak! 🌙💙
#Ramadan #Inclusivity #StudentSupport
Music in Our Schools Month
For 40 years, March has been officially designated by the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) as Music in Our Schools Month® (MIOSM®) — a special time when schools and communities across the nation celebrate the power of music education.

At Gavilan View, we are proud to have a vibrant music program led by the talented Ms. Diane Gehling. Our program offers Intro to Band, Intro to Orchestra, Choir, Advanced Band, and Advanced Orchestra. Ms. Gehling also leads a lunchtime Guitar Club, giving students another opportunity to explore their musical talents.

We encourage you to celebrate MIOSM® as a family by listening to music together and exploring different genres. Music is a universal language that brings people together — let's make it part of our everyday lives!
The GV Way
Check out pictures from last week
These pictures are from Ms. G's Awesome Car Show, science labs, instruction in the classrooms, the Girls on the Run program, and sports for the week.
car show
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